Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valentine's Day 2014! Warning to Boys: Very Girly Post!

Valentine's Day is so close! First I'm going to give you a tour of my Valentine's Day den!

                                                                    The front lawn:

                                           The room that I don't know what to call:

The Tea Room:

The Dining Room:

The Lounge Room:

My Bedroom:

Here are my favorite Valentine's Day books that you can buy on Amazon or get from the library:

Juliet the Valentine's Day Fairy:

Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew Valentine's Day Secret

American Girl Chrissa

Heart to Heart with Mallory

And here's how to make a "love potion"!

You'll need:
Cranberry or pomegranate juice or red fruit or berry punch or cranberry or pomegranate Izze
An envelope label or a piece of paper 
A red pen, marker, or colored pencil
Heart stickers
A clear cup

Instructions: Pour your selected red beverage into the cup. Write Love Potion in curly lettering on the label or piece of paper. Attach the label to the cup. Decorate with heart stickers. Makes a great Valentine's Day party refreshment!

Happy Valentine's Day! 
Wishing you lots of chocolate and fun,

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